press release
2022, June 25

the kmoverse is officially launching today

After many months and years in the making, the kmoverse officially begins its public operations starting today.

What is the kmoverse?


Established in 2020, the kmoverse is a technology organization that strives to foster unique collaborative creativity from the UC Berkeley community and build a portfolio of computing projects servicing local communities through non-standard organization and approaches. By working closer to other groups on campus and industry, we foster collaboration to see through revolutionary, exciting work.

Why today?

This launch comes at a crucial point in my life as I slowly move on from my third year of college into interning at an large company and facing my senior year as an undergraduate student. Seeing that my time is limited in exploring life’s possibilities before I transition into the industry, I wanted to create the kmoverse as a hub of exciting possibilities, experiments, and experiences that would not only be fun to develop but also make a lasting positive impact in this world.

What services are launching soon?

In the coming days and weeks, the kmoverse will launch the following services:

In addition, some of my personal projects will move under the kmoverse umbrella over the following days, which includes the following services:

There are also a few exciting projects planned for launch this summer, which will be announced in the coming weeks.

Looking into the future

As recent events have passed, the definition of the kmoverse and its mission has changed and sharpened even further. Look forward to the following topics on the blog, which will dive into the kmoverse ethos in greater detail:

Reaching out

To all my friends who have been supportive of the kmoverse and my journey, thank you very, very much; it is thanks to your support that I have been able to get this far, and I am very proud of where we are at. Going forward, there will be organized events, including development meetings and socials, for friends local to the Berkeley area.

Despite the name, the kmoverse is more than a one-man endeavor, so any support going into the future would mean a lot to me.

Looking forward to a bright kmoverse future.

Kevin Mo